Countering BOT attacks
brazil2023-01-09T15:08:33+01:00In today's world, just over one third of web ...
Greater visibility on web applications
brazil2023-01-09T15:08:16+01:00Seer Box is the only solution that allows you ...
Services inventory
seerbox.website2023-01-09T15:07:41+01:00Seer Box is the only solution that can continually ...
Protection of a well-known online store from automated purchase requests made by BOTs
seerbox.website2023-01-09T19:59:32+01:00Business scenario The (final) customer is one of ...
Monitoring the traffic of a provider of payment services, including POS, PagoPA and Payment Gateways
seerbox.website2023-01-09T19:52:31+01:00Business scenario The customer is the IT company ...
Monitoring the traffic of a regional public company operating in the water sector
seerbox.website2023-01-09T18:45:03+01:00Business scenario The (final) customer is a regional ...
Protection of several custom and legacy applications of a private university
seerbox.website2023-01-10T19:16:42+01:00Business scenario The customer is a private university. ...
Protection of a broad range of services of a regional public administration
seerbox.website2023-01-10T19:17:20+01:00Business scenario The customer is a central regional ...
Why did Entando chose Pluribus One to fix the LOG4J library vulnerability? (ENG subtitles available)
seerbox.website2023-01-10T15:13:40+01:00Interview with Nicola Marini Entando Quality Engineering Manager ...
Why did Numera chose Seer Box to protect its web services? (ENG subtitles available)
brazil2023-01-10T15:13:45+01:00Interview with Giovanni Virdis Head of the Security ...

Let us check the effectiveness of your security system with our pre-analysis.
You’ll be surprised to discover that not all traffic is monitored and therefore protected. Do you want to bet on it?